Sunday Worship

Message from Reverend Greg Wooley

Each week, I will be posting my Sunday sermon to my personal sermon archive.  Starting September 8th, the most recent sermon will be at the top of the blog.  Typically I will post on Sunday afternoon or, at latest, Monday morning

Please view the following link.




Sunday Worship 11  am

Our worship style is fairly relaxed, with lots of music and prayer, and includes participation from members of the congregation.

On the First Sunday of the month “we celebrate communion, with gluten-free bread and grape juice. All are welcome to partake at our open table.”


After the service, people gather in the narthax of the church building for refreshments and an opportunity to visit.

Everyone is welcome to join us.

A ‘Sunday School’ is currently being offered to all children on usualy on the second Sunday of the month. Our Sunday School curriculum draws from a number of sources including “The Virtual Church School” program provided through The Anglican Church of Canada.


The Virtual Church School” program is designed to be used by remote or small Christian communities that do not have easy access to Christian Education materials.  It therefore puts emphasis on easily – accessible resources and hands-on projects that can be done with limited resources.  Because of its very design, the program is well suited to indigenous communities, French-speaking congregations and other linguistic parishes. The program follows the Revised Common Lectionary which goes through the Bible in a three-year cycle.  Practically, it means that these lessons follow the readings used each Sunday by the main congregation.


We are also fortunate to have access to the United Church of Canada’s “A Faith At Home Magazine,” which is distributed free of charge, on a quarterly basis to our students and their families. The magazines  “are created with spiritual practices, prayers, crafts, games and activities that explore the themes of the different liturgical seasons and focus on specific biblical stories taken from Lectionary readings.

We welcome students of all ages!